In August 2020, the video of Ikechukwu Oramife, a 15-year-old from Anambra who creates amazing automobile designs from rubble in his environment went viral. Ikechukwu’s story was featured on BBC Pidgin, and the applause for his genius was loud. However, most of it ended online and he was back to his regular challenges when the news died down.
In his BBC Pidgin interview, Ikechukwu talked about his ideas, the inspiration behind his designs, and his dream of becoming an engineer in the future. His creativity identifies him as a ‘Special Child’. We at TSF, believe every child has a right to dream and we were interested in supporting his dreams.
The foundation reached out to the BBC and we were able to get in touch with his guardian – his grandmother. After several discussions, she talked about his creativity and the financial challenges involved in helping him develop his creative potential. She believes, just like we do, that Ikechukwu is a special child and that his talent will take him places. She briefed us about his education and referred us to his Principal.
The Principal, Mr. Mattias, went further to talk about the challenges they face due to the current crisis in the Eastern part of Nigeria and commended the willingness of the students to learn despite the situation. We had several conversations with him about Ikechukwu and discussed our Inspire Scholarship and what we want to do to support the young man on his journey.
The Foundation is committed to providing and supporting Ikechukwu through his secondary school education, and his plans. Thanks to you, our volunteers, we have been able to get Ikechukwu on our Inspire Scholarship Program.
We believe this is the beginning of a life-changing story for him and his family. We appreciate everyone who has supported the Foundation in one way or the other and look forward to doing more with your consistent support. You can donate to our cause today as we continue helping other special children like Ikechukwu Oranmife.
Every child is your child!
The Special Foundation is a privately funded social impact organization focused on building Africa’s next set of Leaders by refining their minds through education.
Is My Child At Risk? 4-Steps On Managing A Depressed Child
January 16, 2022
Bridging The Gap - Why Every Child Deserves Quality Education
November 26, 2021
Viral Sensation: Ikechukwu Oramife - A Special Child Spotlight
October 31, 2021
A Special Highlight: TSF Partnership Manager at WFM - 91.7
October 20, 2021
+234 906 344 4444
Plot 28, Daniyan Natalia Street, lekki phase one, Lagos State.